Welcome to Corina Oudijk from the Netherlands who is volunteering at the College of Nursing until August 2010. Corina is teaching medical surgical nursing and supervising students at the Centre for Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed www.crp-bangladesh.org. We have just started working with this amazing institution that provides medical and nursing care, rehabilitation and art and vocational therapy to adults and children.
In February, Dr. Rycki Maltby of University of Vermont, USA brought her Public Health Nursing class to Dhaka. The students visited local community health programs and shared classes with IUBAT students. These exchanges help students develop deeper understanding both of cultural and resource differences and universal health goals. Many thanks to our spring 2010 volunteers, Crissy George, Brenda Hutton, Cailey Lynch and Alysha Savji. They taught Community Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing and Nursing Fundamentals. Brenda and Cailey also supervised medical surgical students in UnitedHospital and maternity nursing students at the Centre for Woman and Child Health.