We have been concerned for some time about this workplace hazard because hepatitis in all its forms is so common in Bangladesh. The initial testing and subsequent immunizations cost $20-40 per student. This is a lot of money, which many families cannot afford. So we send a big thank-you to the donor who gave us $1000 to pay for Hepatitis B protection for the nursing students.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Protecting students from Hepatitis
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Editorial "For better managed hospitals"
“Conditions of most of the public hospitals in Dhaka and elsewhere in the country are far from satisfactory.” http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=173902 Dhaka’s Daily Star often campaigns for improved public services. Higher public expectations are also essential to raise the status of nursing as a profession in Bangladesh. If patients and their relatives demand improved care, hospitals will have to hire well-educated nurses. With more opportunities, good nurses will be more mobile and can negotiate better pay and working conditions. This will in turn increase demand for better nurse education and stronger students will apply.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Benchmarking the Nutritional Status of Women in the Tongi-Ashulia Road Slums
We have had requests for the study in which College of Nursing students participated.
Here is that website http://www.iubat.edu/cpr/pdfs/IUBAT_CPR_7_web_final.pdf
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Building the College of Nursing library
We now have several hundred books in the College of Nursing library - probably the best nursing library in Bangladesh. All teaching at IUBAT is in English, which helps graduates access professional literature throughout their careers. In nursing this is essential because there are so few textbooks written in Bangla. Our collection has been built with donations from many supporters. We are especially grateful to the College of Registered Nurses of BC for passing along discarded books, and to Cathay Pacific Airlines and Singapore Air who have kindly given us extra baggage allowance.