Thursday, February 28, 2013

New long-term volunteer at IUBAT

Through the kind cooperation of VSO-Bangladesh, we have a new volunteer RN Jim Ofonda. Jim, who will work with IUBAT College of Nursing for two years, is originally from the Philippines where he earned an MSN. Before joining VSO-B he worked as a Clinical Instructor for six years, teaching many subjects in the nursing curriculum. At IUBAT he has been focusing on Community Health, Mental Health and Nursing Administration. Welcome Jim and thank you for your great support to our students and our volunteers.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Developing Advanced Nursing Education in Bangladesh Conference

In late January, IUBAT and Simon Fraser University co-sponsored a workshop hosted by the Bangladesh Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on the topic of developing advanced nursing education in Bangladesh. Over thirty delegates from private and public colleges of nursing were invited to this “Cooperative Dialogue”, as well as representatives of the Bangladesh Nursing Council and Directorate of Nursing Services.  The conference proceedings will be published shortly and posted on our website.

Friday, February 8, 2013

IUBAT Student Excels

RN Firoza Khatun completed her diploma in nursing at a government nurse training institute. While working at Sajida Hospital in south Dhaka, she met IUBAT graduate Bimala Rai, who encouraged Firoza to complete a BSN at IUBAT. With bursary support from Bangladesh Health Project donations, Firoza was able to leave her job to become a full-time student. Since starting at IUBAT she has attained excellent marks in her first two semesters, earning university scholarships. Well done, Firoza!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

IUBAT Progress

The IUBAT campus has continued to expand facilities with its fifth and sixth floors now under construction. In addition to the new Nursing Lab, there are new, well-equipped facilities for the agriculture, tourism and engineering programs. Demand for higher education is very strong in Bangladesh due to the large youth population. IUBAT Vice-Chancellor, Dr. M. Alimullah Miyan says that the university has come close to achieving its goal of recruiting students from all rural districts of the country. He has pioneered the concept of Knowledge-Based Area Development, which aims to strengthen community self-reliance by giving young men and women the opportunity to acquire marketable skills through higher education. Dr. Miyan explains that, “Graduates are expected to make efforts to pull up their family, neighbours and the village community through access to knowledge for social and economic development.” Various programs at IUBAT provide financial support for academically eligible students experiencing hardship.