Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Seeking Technical Support, Advice and Experiences in the Areas of Nursing Curriculum Development and Integration

We have now completed the start-up for this project and graduated several cohorts of students. Our next step is to develop our BSN program resources so they can be used by other educators. We have already created lectures, academic policies, evaluation materials and clinical practice tools; these materials could be useful in other low-resource settings. (IUBAT is an English-medium institution.) At this stage our curriculum material is not ready to be shared, because it has been prepared for a specific situation. Our intent is to make our resources more user-friendly so they can be distributed more widely. What we are seeking is technical support, advice and experiences in the areas of nursing curriculum development and integration. We are also seeking expert advice to set up a Creative Commons license that enables sharing of the resources. If you can help us with this work, please contact us directly at: info@bangladeshhealthproject.com

Two Time IUBAT Volunteer Continues her Work in Bangladesh

Permjit Soomal volunteered with IUBAT in the fall of 2011 and again in the winter of 2012 as part of her practicum experiences for her Masters of Nursing (nurse educator option). She has now graduated and continues her work in Bangladesh with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) as a Canadian Teaching and Pedagogy Specialist – Clinical Supervision Specialist. She is responsible for setting up training programs for nursing instructors in pedagogy as well as setting up and training clinical supervisors for diploma nursing students. 

The University of Victoria recognized her efforts in their newsletter, The Ring. Soomal is quoted saying “I wanted to create and support programs that will help alleviate poverty and improve health.” She believes “nursing education does both.” To read more of this article titled Grad Shares Nursing Expertise in Bangladesh, open this link. To view Soomal’s blog where she shares more reflections and details about her experiences, visit Permjit's Postcards.
Good luck Permjit in your future endevours!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Testament to the Commitment of the IUBAT Nursing Students

Christine Eugenio, RN, completed her final preceptoriship through Vancouver Community College at IUBAT and describes the experience as life changing. " Because of the rich experience I had, I feel I am better equipped as a nurse to inquire into the diverse health care needs of patients based on socio-economic, political, and cultural perspectives." 
She was moved by the IUBAT nursing students ability and dedication, "It was inspiring to see student nurse leaders at IUBAT show commitment to nursing excellence in Bangladesh through research and community involvement.  IUBAT nursing students showed unparalleled resilience and adaptability as they work through an international nursing curriculum. Working with IUBAT nursing students was such a positive and humbling experience. We worked together in various activities which included health assessments for IUBAT students and faculty and for underprivileged school-aged children at School of Hope. The success of those activities showed the crucial role of nurses in community health and helped foster a positive image of nursing in Bangladesh. The success was also a testament to IUBAT nursing students’ strong nursing foundation, determination, and perseverance. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from, share nursing knowledge and experiences with, and to work alongside the future nurse leaders who are bound to change the face of nursing in Bangladesh."